New collection points in Georgia


Waste management remains one of the key challenges in Georgia. However, in recent years, public interest and engagement in this area have increased significantly. Our goal is to make waste collection even more accessible to the population and to expand the number of collection points in the country through partnerships with new companies, making the waste disposal process easier for everyone.

Recently, Wasteless has significantly expanded its operations and established collaborations with new companies, including Carrefour, Bank of Georgia, Evex Clinics, Procredit Bank, Terabank, and ICity. We have placed Wasteless’ special waste collection bins in their branches. This marks an important step forward in terms of environmental responsibility and active public participation.

We sincerely thank our partner companies for their support and commitment to social responsibility, which brings us closer to achieving our shared goal. We hope that even more companies will join us in the future to further strengthen the waste management system.


Waste Collection Points in Georgia.

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New collection points in Georgia